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Can You Receive Workers' Compensation For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

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When people think of using workers' compensation, they often imagine that it is only used for major workplace injuries that leave you with big hospital bills. However, it is possible to use it for smaller injuries that develop over the years from performing a job. Here is what you need to know about how you can use workers' compensation for carpal tunnel syndrome.

What Workers' Compensation Is

It helps to understand what workers' compensation is when talking about it in regards to an injury. Workers' comp insurance is a program that your employer pays to cover the expenses if someone is injured while working for them. It pays for medical bills, lost wages, and things of that nature. However, it is an insurance policy, and receiving compensation for an injury is not always guaranteed. This is why the road to receiving workers' compensation for carpal tunnel syndrome can be difficult for some employees.

When To Make A Claim

If you suffer an injury such as a slip and fall, the injury is cut and dry in regard to when and how it happened. A claim will be made immediately after the accident, and a doctor will attribute your injuries to that accident. However, carpal tunnel can be a bit messy due to the circumstances that surround it. Since carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that develops over time, it can be difficult to report when and how it happened. It also leaves employees with questions about when they report it since there is no clear accident. 

It will help to be evaluated by your own doctor to get an official diagnosis that you have carpal tunnel syndrome. Once you have that diagnosis, you can notify your employer that you have the condition and wish to seek workers' compensation to cover your injury. 

What Happens After Your Claim

Your employer will send you to an approved doctor from the workers' compensation provider, who will perform their own evaluation to diagnose you with carpal tunnel syndrome. Even if you are diagnosed, that does not mean you are in the clear to receive workers' compensation. That doctor will need to attribute it to the job that you perform in order for you to qualify. They'll not only consider the type of work you do on the job but the activities you do outside of work that could contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome. Contact us for more information. 

