Insurance: A Guide for the Masses

The Pros And Cons Of Choosing A Local Insurance Agency

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You have the freedom to purchase your insurance policies from the agency of your choice. You can shop around for insurance products, and you can buy your plans from a local agent or one that is located far away. Both options are good choices, but before you choose one of these, you should know the pros and cons of buying insurance from a local agent. Here are the top pros and cons to understand before making your purchase from a local agency. Read More»

Major Points Of Focus When Reviewing Your Auto Insurance Policy

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You should review your auto insurance regularly to ensure you always have the best policy possible. At the very least, review your insurance every time you want to renew your coverage. The review should cover all the major aspects of your policy, including these four critical ones. Coverage Your coverage encompasses the risks your auto insurance policy protects you from. The major forms of coverage include: Liability coverage Collision coverage Comprehensive coverage Determine whether your current coverage suffices or you need to change to coverage. Read More»

Summertime Risks Your Homeowners' Insurance Will Cover

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Summertime brings some unique risks that aren’t as relevant at other times of year, but homeowners’ insurance policies keep you well-protected during the warmest months of the year. If you have homeowners’ insurance in place, here are some common summertime risks that your policy offers financial protection against. Your Grill Causes a House Fire Grilling is a fun way to cook outdoors, but grilling too close to your home can lead to disaster. Read More»

3 Signs You Should Think About A Medicare Advantage Plan

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If you currently have Medicare, you might be interested in looking into all of the health coverage options that can help you out. For example, it might be a good idea to look into a Medicare Advantage program. This is a form of health insurance that is designed specifically for people who have Medicare coverage, and it might be something for you to look into if one or more of the following things are true about you: Read More»

Buying Your First Homeowner's Policy? What You Should Know About Personal Property Coverage

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That first home you buy is always exciting. However, when it comes time for the finer details, like getting homeowner’s insurance, the process can be confusing. If you don’t know how to ensure that you’ve got enough coverage for the potential hazards, you could find yourself underinsured and struggling if disaster strikes. One of the hardest things to calculate is your personal property coverage limit. Here are a few tips to help you with determining and supporting the value of your personal property. Read More»