Insurance: A Guide for the Masses

Protect Your Assets With An Investment Property Insurance Plan

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The types of assets that you acquire are essential when it comes to your wealth-generating journey. Real estate is one of the best investments that you can make since you’ll always have passive income when you have tenants living in your investment properties. Because of this, it’s important that you take care of them inside and out. One of the ways for you to take care of your investment property is by also purchasing insurance for the property. Read More»

Get More Than Just The Legal Minimum Insurance

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It would be very easy to look at an insurance agent’s plea to get more than just the legal minimum insurance for your state as an attempt to get more of your money, but that’s not how you should look at things. Each state has a legal minimum requirement for insurance, but this minimum is not always adequate for everything that you could need insurance for. Many states require some liability and property damage with a few wanting coverages for uninsured motorists and other potential events. Read More»

5 Reasons You Need Non-Owner Car Insurance

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If you’re a licensed driver and you don’t have a vehicle, you can still get car insurance. This type of car insurance is called a non-owner insurance policy. There are a few specific instances where someone who doesn’t have a car may want to get a non-owner car insurance policy. #1: To Maintain Continuous Coverage Car insurance providers look at how long you have had car insurance, and if you have had any gaps in car insurance coverage. Read More»

The Basics Of Health Insurance Policy Selection

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With the insurance marketplace as well as a variety of private and work-provided options for health insurance, it’s no surprise that many people are finding themselves overwhelmed and confused by their options. If you are currently evaluating your options and trying to choose the right health insurance plan, you are in the right place. Here’s a look at some tips that will help you to find the health insurance plan that’s right for you. Read More»

4 Factors That Impact Your Auto Insurance Rates

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As a driver, one of the big responsibilities that you face is carrying insurance on your vehicle. Almost every state requires drivers to carry insurance. Without car insurance, if you cause an accident, the other driver could sue you for all your personal assets. Without car insurance, you may not have the necessary funds to fix up your vehicle or pay for medical bills. Car insurance is important and is not an expense that you can just skip out on, which is why it is important to understand the factors that impact your car insurance. Read More»